Tuesday 8 March 2016

KOdi keymap for USB remote "X10 lola"

Had remarkably a lot of trouble getting my old X10 RF  remote set up to work with Kodi.  Linux keymapping isn't quite as trivial as it once was.  Here are the steps I followed:
1. find the device vendor with lsusb.    Mine was 0BC7.

2. Find all the device's modalias files with
    find /sys -name *modalias | xargs grep -i 0BC7

3. Use the one that is a single string.  Mine was the file at

My modalias string looks like this.  We want everything before the 'e', because we want it to apply to all versions.

4. Using heavy reference to this Arch wiki page,

I create a hwdb file in /etc/udev/hwdb.d/10-x10.hwdb.  It contains:

Here's the HWDB file

 KEYBOARD_KEY_00=esc    #    setup
 KEYBOARD_KEY_2c=favorites    #    learn
 KEYBOARD_KEY_02=power    #    power
 KEYBOARD_KEY_03=tv    #    tv
 KEYBOARD_KEY_04=audio    #    audio
 KEYBOARD_KEY_31=tv2    #    cable
 KEYBOARD_KEY_05=pc    #    pc
 KEYBOARD_KEY_06=vcr    #    x10
 KEYBOARD_KEY_0b=up    #    ch+
 KEYBOARD_KEY_08=volumedown    #    vol-
 KEYBOARD_KEY_0a=mute    #    m
 KEYBOARD_KEY_09=volumeup    #    vol+
 KEYBOARD_KEY_0c=down    #    ch-
 KEYBOARD_KEY_0d=1    #    1
 KEYBOARD_KEY_0e=2    #    2
 KEYBOARD_KEY_0f=3    #    3
 KEYBOARD_KEY_10=4    #    4
 KEYBOARD_KEY_11=5    #    5
 KEYBOARD_KEY_12=6    #    6
 KEYBOARD_KEY_13=7    #    7
 KEYBOARD_KEY_14=8    #    8
 KEYBOARD_KEY_15=9    #    9
 KEYBOARD_KEY_17=0    #    0
 KEYBOARD_KEY_16=numeric_star    #    add/del
 KEYBOARD_KEY_18=numeric_pound    #    a/b
 KEYBOARD_KEY_19=fn_f1    #    red – album
 KEYBOARD_KEY_1b=fn_f2    #    yellow – artist
 KEYBOARD_KEY_21=fn_f3    #    green – genre
 KEYBOARD_KEY_23=fn_f4    #    blue – track
 KEYBOARD_KEY_1c=pageup    #    pg up
 KEYBOARD_KEY_20=pagedown    #    pgdown
 KEYBOARD_KEY_1a=up    #    thumb up
 KEYBOARD_KEY_1d=left    #    thumb left
 KEYBOARD_KEY_1f=right    #    thumb right
 KEYBOARD_KEY_22=down    #    thumb down
 KEYBOARD_KEY_1e=enter    #    thumb press
 KEYBOARD_KEY_01=fn_f5    #    purple – playlist
 KEYBOARD_KEY_2d=fn_f6    #    orange – playing
 KEYBOARD_KEY_2e=home    #    t top
 KEYBOARD_KEY_2f=end    #    e end
 KEYBOARD_KEY_07=find    #    find
 KEYBOARD_KEY_30=select    #    select
 KEYBOARD_KEY_2b=previoussong    #    scan -
 KEYBOARD_KEY_24=rewind    #    rewind
 KEYBOARD_KEY_25=playpause    #    play
 KEYBOARD_KEY_26=fastforward    #    fast fwd
 KEYBOARD_KEY_2a=nextsong    #    scan +
 KEYBOARD_KEY_27=record    #    rec
 KEYBOARD_KEY_28=stop    #    stop
 KEYBOARD_KEY_29=pause    #    pause